Financial Guides

Over the years, we've created a collection of financial guides which can give you some insight into different aspects of financial planning.

What is an Annuity?

An annuity is usually purchased with your pension in order to provide a guaranteed income for life.
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What is Income Drawdown?

Income Drawdown allows you to flexibly access your pension whenever you need it, rather than receiving a fixed amount of income.
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Self-Invested Personal Pensions

A Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) allows you to take control of your retirement investments.
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Your Retirement Options Explained

The choices you make in retirement will impact your income for the rest of your life, so it's worth understanding the options available to you.
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Getting Started With Investing

Understand the risks as well as the rewards of investing with our helpful guide that explains the benefits of diversifying your investments.
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Estate Planning Explained

Your estate is made up of all your assets, such as property, investments and belongings. Planning properly helps make sure your loved ones can make the most of what you leave behind.
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ISAs Explained

Whether you're thinking about investing in a Stocks & Shares ISA or you're just exploring the savings options out there, ISAs can be a good choice.
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The Benefits of A Power of Attorney

Setting up a Power of Attorney gives peace of mind that your affairs can be looked after, even if you become incapacitated.
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industry insights

The Benefits of Choosing a “Small Advice Firm”: Why Our Nomination for Small Advice Firm of the Year Matters

We are thrilled to share that Wealth of Advice has been nominated for Small Advice Firm of the Year 2024, but why should this matter to you?
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Retirement Planning Explained: Your Future, Your Way

Retirement planning might seem daunting, but it’s quite simple at its core: it's all about preparing for the lifestyle you want.
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Guaranteed income most important for savers in retirement

Almost half (40 per cent) of people said guaranteed income was most important to them when they thought about retirement.
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